Friday, July 30, 2010

My Summer in Pictures

Wowww - is it really almost August??  How did that happen?  Between Hawaii, the new condo, the new kitty, and every little trip/get together/lunch date/lazy day in between, this summer has flown by.  Even though half our stuff (and our internet and cable) were still at the apartment, we never stayed another day there after we got Lucy and brought her home to the condo.  That being said, I haven't had the time or energy to go up to Borders/Starbucks/Panera etc to update the ol' blog.  BUT!  I am back!  Interwebs have arrived at the condo!!  Since there has been so much that has happened since my last post, I think I'll udpate via photos... lots of them...

1) Andrea's wedding in Maui:
My best friend!!  At Bubba Gumps right after arriving in Maui
The soon-to-be Mr. & Mrs. Hurst at the welcome happy hour
Parasailing - I think we have the documentation of this memory covered.  :)
Absolutely gorgeous.
The beautiful bride and me
Mr. and Mrs. Hurst!  
Me and my favorite :)
Pretty favor boxes - LOVED her colors!
Gorgeous leis we got to wear

Love these girls :) 
 Two peas in a pod!
Our leis smelled soooo good!  Ready to go back to Hawaii!!

2) Lucy!!! 

Oh my GOSH we are so in love with this kitty.  She is the perfect cat, seriously.  She loves to snuggle and cuddle with us, sleeps with us, follows us everywhere, LOVES to play, will even play fetch with "Fluffy Toy" (its official name)... she.  is.  perfect.  I think I might be obsessed with her. These photos are in chronological order from when we first got her... she is about 4 months old now.  When we got her, she weighed 2 and a half pounds - took her to the vet today and she is (almost) a whopping 4 pounds!  :) 

a) I take WAY too many pictures of Lucy
b) I am fully aware that I am also posting way too many pictures of Lucy
c) I cannot stop
d) Don't judge me. 

Whew!  This one I actually took of her just now.  :)
3) Condo!  
Most of these are work-in-progress pictures... I haven't taken any since we've moved the furniture in, because we're still not quite settled, but I will post them when we are!

Has nothing to do with our renovations, but I had to throw in my awesomely organized closet.  :)
DONE!!!  That's my summer in a nutshell.  Hawaii, Lucy, Condo. :)  Maybe I'll post random summer pics in the next post and give a quick rundown of how the rest of the summer has gone.  It has been a great summer... the perfect mix between productive, social, and absolutely lazy. 

Hope all of you out there in blog world have been having a wonderful summer as well!  I don't know about you, but as much as I love this time of year, I am ready for a break from this incredible heat!!  I'm off to a girls night, then Andrea's at-home wedding reception in OKC (so more pictures to come I'm sure!).  Enjoy your weekend! 

1 comment:

The Hurst Family said...

This was a SUPER FUN post!!! I miss Hawaii and Lucy now. More updates! How is Cheer Camp??