Saturday, August 7, 2010

Chairs, Chairs, Chairs!

Tim and I have been on an ongoing quest to find an accent chair or two for our living room.  It is SO hard and frustrating!!  Either I like something and he doesn't (or vice versa), or it's a cute chair/ugly pattern (or vice versa), cute but too big/small, wrong colors, not enough color, TOO much color... you get the idea. 

So today we went out for breakfast at a little local place in Deep Ellum (such a cool area - especially at 11am when it's not the least bit scary!), and then we hit the shops.  We shopped and shopped (til I got sick and we had to go home - lame!), and then I've been shopping all evening online. 

Here are a few contenders...

We would put a red throw pillow on it to give it a little more color, but I love the birdies!

This would also have a colored throw pillow so it's less... brown.
This one is at a build-your-own kind of place, so it would have different fabric
Another one that could use a bright pillow, but loooove the pattern!
Basic brown, but it's got good bones :)
This one's cute, but the colors might be a little blah...

So, there you have it.  Quite a dilemma!  Especially since I'm not sure that I completely love even any of these, and I'm pretty sure Tim won't like most of them. 



KelBel said...

This is Kelly from church! I like the first one with the birds :)

Alicia said... thoughts...I like chairs (functional ones) with arms. The only reason is because you can lean on them and relax. Something to rest your feet against. I really like the bird pattern! Very cool with with cute accent colors. You're such a good decorator friend. Whatever you come up with friend will be awesome.

aria said...

Love #4!

The Hurst Family said...

I love #1 and #4! Good choices friend!

Jenny said...

I still can't decide!! The one with the birds is my fav, but Tim doesn't like it. 2nd fav is #4, but I'm afraid it won't go with our room best. BAH!! I'm so over accent chairs... this started out to be such a fun thing to shop for :(