Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Little Cone-Head


Poor little baby got spayed yesterday, so she's wearing her little cone for a few days (maybe a week? eek!).  We're also supposed to "limit her activity"... which if you have met her, you would know that this is REALLY difficult!!  So she is confined to the spare bathroom right now... it's about the only place in the house where she will kind of be forced to rest and take it easy.  Not many fun places to run and jump on, no stairs to run up and down... but I feel bad for her, because I'm sure she is lonely (she is normally with us every moment of the day when we're home) and bored.  And not loving that collar, poor baby!  She does, however, have a bathtub filled with towels and blankets to sleep in... which she really likes.  :) 

...and she's still pretty cute even with her "Elizabethan Collar" though right?  hehe

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