Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5 Exciting Things & 1 Dilemma (original eh?)

Exciting things...

1) I got accepted into UT Southwestern's STARS ("Science Teachers' Access to Research at Southwestern") summer research program!!!!!!  It is a pretty big deal, and I am super excited about it.  And I'm crazy nervous now that it's just around the corner (as in, 7:30am the Monday after our last day of school... which is Saturday for teachers... don't ask!).  I feel excited and overwhelmed and proud and totally out of my league.  It's going to be AWESOME.  I'm completely terrified, and yet I can't wait!!

2) Tim and I went to Oklahoma to surprise my mom for her Mothers' Day & birthday weekend.  I called her when we were on our way (I knew she would appreciate a little advanced notice), and she was so excited!  We got to hang out with my parents, one of my brothers and his kiddos, had lunch with some of the family in Tulsa the next day, and then headed out.  It was kind of a whirlwind trip, but it was so great to be back home to visit and to surprise my mom.  She told me that it was probably her favorite Mothers' Day ever because it was just so unexpected.  YAY!!!

3) Tim and I went to Ikea on Sunday (I know, I know... Ikea on a weekend, we're crazy) and got all new bedroom furniture!!  We got a new bed, nightstands, a dresser, and all new lamps.  We're still putting everything together (and by we, I mean Tim), so no pictures yet... you will just have to wait.  But I love, love, LOVE everything!!

4) There are 13 days left of school, and really only 8 "real" days until finals week... which pretty much feels like school is over.  I'm SO looking forward to a break from the routine and to try something new.  I know that technically I'm not taking this summer off, but it will be so different from anything I've ever done (and so challenging... but in a good way?), that it seems like a break.  Plus did I mention they pay me?  Well, they do.  Plus classroom supplies.  Sweeeeeeeet!!

5) I think we might go to Disney World for our anniversary in August.  That is all I will say about that, because I am so ridiculously excited, I don't want to get my hopes up and talk about it for months and then it not happen somehow.  So more on that later.  :)

6) Finally - the great debate... the dilemma... should I chop my hair off now or wait until the end of the summer?  It is crazy long right now, maybe the longest it's been since I was in 2nd grade.  But I'm not really a long-hair-kinda-girl... I'm so torn!  Usually when it gets long, I "need" to chop it off because it's driving me crazy.  Not so this time - miraculously!  I'm just bored I think.  So... here are my choices (though it's been 3 months since the "long" picture was taken... sooooo yeah.):

Sigh.  What to do, what to do...


The Hurst Family said...

Yep, still going with short :)

YAY for new bedroom furniture!! I can't wait to see it! And Disney World sounds like so much fun....I won't talk about it until it's decided though. Ha. Miss you, good luck with the start of the research program. I want to hear all about it after the first few days.

Kaitlin said...

So excited about the UT Southwestern program! I am in no way surprised you got it! Can't wait to read about the whole thing!