Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Quelfing, Oral Hygeine, and 12 Months of Resolutions

Well, Tim and I are back in Dallas after a much longer than anticipated Christmas trip. We did finally get to spend Christmas (a day late) with Tim's family. I'm so glad we were able to see them for Christmas, and it sure didn't seem like it was a day late - all the family was there, the tree was up, we had stockings to dig through and presents to open, and a wonderful home-cooked dinner. It was fabulous... until my stomach flipped out, and I had one of my horrible stomach aches that I get a few times a year (yes - they are SO bad that I can actually recall the specific times it's happened).

I ended up sitting out of the newly beloved Proffitt family board game - Quelf (aka: worst name for a game EVER - because don't EVEN tell me you don't think of something else when you hear the word "quelf"). Its appeal is that it's a very... interactive game (an example in a moment). This did not sound the least bit appealing to me, so I sat in the recliner and watched. If you know me at all, you know that this must have been one hell of a stomach ache to keep me from playing a game! Quite the bummer. The one plus of this, was being a spectator after someone drew an "everyone plays" card that stated that anytime someone's phone rang, everyone had to stand up and yell, "Pizza Party!" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they realized all their phones were on silent... so I proceeded to secretly call the house phone - they all jumped up and yelled, "Pizza Party!" immediately on command... while I sat back and cracked up laughing as they realized what I'd done. It was pretty classic and very entertaining. :)

On to other news - today was the most terrifying day I have had in who knows how long. I have not been this anxious, fearful, - okay, downright scared - in a really long time. About 8 or 9 years to be exact. For today my friends, I went to the dentist. I know, that's a ridiculously long time, and I find it quite embarrassing. I have been avoiding, dreading, and putting this day off for, well, 8 or 9 years. Blame it on the fact that I spent all my formative years going to the dentist at a crappy little Indian hospital in downtown Tulsa that was absolutely terrifying, especially as a little kid. They don't use nitrous oxide for crying out loud!! Dr. Lecca was wonderful though - not even scary! Turns out I have three small cavities. Now this might be terrible for many people, but for my track record (going to the dentist growing up meant, "going to see that I have another cavity" - I honestly can't remember going to the dentist as a kid and NOT having a cavity... and no, I haven't always gone 8 or 9 years without seeing a dentist, so it wasn't that either!) it was the most amazing news I've gotten in awhile. It was glorious even! No teeth rotting out of my face, no root canals in my future, no gingivitis (which I was just SURE I had developed by now)... just three (small!) cavities in almost 10 years. YAY!!! Now I will be going faithfully every six months and I plan to finally overcome my fear and dread of the dentist. Hooray!

And now for my last tid-bit. (By the way, if you're still with me at this point, then bravo to you! I'm impressed - this post is long and getting longer by the second!)

I've decided on something different for my New Year's Resolutions this year. See, I have issues with starting new things and actually following through on them for any meaningful amount of time. Sure I'm good for awhile... you know, about 4 or 5 days. And then I'm back to my old habits, berating myself for how much I suck because I can't stick to a simple plan (you know - the kind where you overhaul your whole life - mind, body, and soul - and must do it for the entire year... a simple little plan like that).

12 months of resolutions! I am going to pick different resolutions for each month of the year, and try to do that ONE thing for ONE month, and then move on to the next. Hopefully, if it is a meaningful and fruitful resolution, I will find that I want to carry it over to the next month - even if only partially.

For instance, some ideas I've come up with... a month of spending at least 15 minutes outside EVERY day - doing absolutely anything: reading, going for a walk, jogging, or just sitting on the porch doing absolutely nothing. I realized there are so many weekdays that I simply walk to my car, drive to work, walk inside, work in a room with NO windows all day, walk to my car, drive home, go inside... and proceed to stay there the rest of the evening. How awful and wasteful of the beautiful outdoors! Now, after my month-o-outdoorsy fun I may realize that that's not necessarily feasible to do EVERY day... but maybe it will be a part of me enough that I crave being in nature more than I do now - and maybe I will appreciate that time more.

Other ideas... a month of:
- blogging everyday (even just a few lines)
- not buying anything that is not a necessity (I'm guessing Schlotzsky's and wine are not necessities, so this could be quite challenging)
- reading x number of minutes a day
- eating out only on Mondays (when Tim and I have our Orthodox inquirers class downtown)
- praying/reading the Bible everyday
- a photo a day
- doing something nice for someone everyday
- abstaining from Facebook (ouch!)
- spring cleaning projects... one small thing each day until it's all finished

So... those are what I've come up with so far. Obviously I need to come up with 12 total at some point, but I'm okay with having some of them come to me as the year goes on. Any ideas are welcome, though!

We'll see how I do with my 12 months of resolutions. It might be just as dismal as every other resolution I've made over the years... or this year I just might have figured out the key to being successful at it. I'm going to choose to be optimistic and go with the latter.

Now, I better go to bed - in a moment of weakness (or strength?) I promised Tim I would wake up with him tomorrow (since he finally has to go back to work) and make him eggs for breakfast. Hmm... maybe I should start my "good deeds for someone each day" resolution early? :)


hannah said...

Wine is absolutely a necessity :D

Your month ideas sound awesome. I think I might want to give that a try - I'm kind of drawing blanks as to what I really want to work on this year besides the usual blog more, start exercising, that sort of thing. So I might be joining you in the year of resolutions! :)

I also hate the dentist. I have avoided them at all costs. the last time I went was about 2 years ago and they told me I had to get my wisdom teeth out. I still have them (oops!). I think one of my resolutions this year will be to go through with it and get my wisdom teeth out. Glad you had a good experience this time.

The Hurst Family said...

Quelf??!! LOL! I immediately thought of the other word when I read the title of this post and then had to read it again to make sure it wasn't "the" word. That is awesome.

Abstain from facebook for a month? You have to make resolutions that are good for you, make you a better/healthier/more interesting person. Not facebooking would not do any of these things, in fact you may even become a LESS interesting person because you won't be up with the latest news about everyone! Don't do it!

I have one- go to bed at 9pm every night. Or do you already do that? Or get 8 hours of sleep every night. Volunteer somewhere, pick a different place and go for an hour each Saturday of the month. Food bank, animal shelter, Red Cross.

I like your month plan too! I am skipping resolutions this year, I hate them.

I'm pretty much free every weekend in January and dying to see you so let me know when I can come down :)

Alicia said...

Brilliant friend! I resolved to not stress about resolutions this year, and your plan does feel much more stressless than the normal New Year's Resolutions. (see my new post for more details!)

And let's not forget that we saw previously mentioned sweet dentist at Schlotzsky's just yesterday and you didn't cringe in fear nor did you attempt to crawl under the table! You are conquering your fears!!

I have way too many resolutions I could make that I can't even begin to pick one, but maybe I'll jump on the monthly resolution bandwagon as it seems like a much more feasible and reasonable and successful plan.

Is it right to resolve to drink more wine and eat more Schlotzky's since it makes one happy?? Being happy is a good resolution right?

Jenny said...

I think you're right Hannah... wine is a necessity! :) And I'm getting my wisdom teeth out this summer (supposed to anyway, I'm the same as you!) - we can whine and complain together!

And Andrea, you are right about Facebook, BUT I would do it to prove to myself that I CAN do it, that it does not rule my life, that I can survive happily without it... things that I should be able to say about a WEBSITE, although at this point I don't think I can! And hey, maybe that will mean that I will email and call you more that month! :)

And Alicia - YES... more wine (since apparently it is a necessity!) and DEFINITELY more Schlotzsky's! We can go together and get our fix! :) hehe

Glad you guys like the 12 months of resolutions idea! Definitely seemed more realistic to me... someone who can't seem to stick to ANY routines that are actually good for me!

Jenny said...

ps - Andrea, I loved your other month-resolution ideas!