Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Very Memorable Christmas Indeed...

Well, since it's been over two months since I've updated, I guess being snowed in is as good a time as any to finally post something!

So... Tim and I are stuck in the EconoLodge Motel in Wichita Falls. We've been here since about 10am because of the blizzard (and no, I am not exaggerating - they actually said it was a blizzard on the news!). We were supposed to leave Dallas yesterday (you know, when it was 70 and sunny?), but didn't because some of our packages hadn't arrived yet. One of the packages was a re-send (thanks Amazon!) because the delivery people left it at the door... either it wasn't our door, or someone stole it, but we never got it. So I was NOT going to miss this (free) re-delivery. We left about 6:30 am this morning... thought we were doing great. Then about the time we got to Wichita Falls, we realized there was no way we were driving all the way to Dimmitt in that kind of snow storm.

I'm glad we didn't continue on - it was snowing like crazy ALL DAY until about 5 or so. I'm still kinda worried about getting my poor little car out tomorrow - there's about a 3 foot snow drift next to it! I'm reeeeally hoping we're able to get out and drive to Dimmitt tomorrow, but I'm not positive we'll be able to. Crossing my fingers - I want to spend Christmas with family... not stranded at a motel in Wichita Falls!

Okay, so here's what I've been up to today!

The first two are my original ideas (I especially like the 2nd one - it took me awhile, because everything is kinda spliced together from lots of different pieces). The last one was a "quick page," meaning it was basically finished. I just added pictures, some journaling, and some little tidbits here and there. I love them, but they're not as much "mine."

Whew! Well I think I'm going to relax a little now. It's not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon!

Hope everyone is having a very Merry Christmas Eve - a white Christmas in Oklahoma and Texas - this hardly EVER happens!!


Alicia said...
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Alicia said...

My hair look horrendous in the Twin Day picture I have to say! ICK! But Kate's hair looks AMAZING and Jenny always looks cute! I'm glad I have such good lookin' friends...they make me look better! :D

Jenny said...

noooo it doesn't! we all look cute :) I love this page!