Sunday, March 27, 2011

Little Lucy-fur

So I noticed the other day that Lucy was starting to shed more... not shocking, since it's spring, but kind of a new thing for us - she hasn't really shed at ALL since we got her.  Today I went ahead and brushed her (we're "supposed" to brush her every couple of days, but I think we all know how that doesn't happen), and it was an amazingly shocking amount of fur!!!  So I figured that if she had that much fur coming off of her, I should vacuum the furniture, swiffer the floor really well, and vacuum upstairs.  Now we are not dirty people, but it's probably been a week since we swept and two since we vacuumed (a little embarrassing, I know)... it.  was.  awful!!!  I always told myself I would never be one of those cat people... you know the kind.  After today I'm paranoid that we ARE!!!  Not again... there will never be that much fur coming off of her and all over the house.  YUCK!!!

Oh!  And our sweet little Lucy turned a year old this past Thursday!  She's still so little - I hope she stays this way forever.

1 comment:

Kate said...

SO SO SO Cute! And your place is always immaculate. No need to worry. PS: Love the new background. :)