Thursday, March 31, 2011

This is what happens when I'm home alone too long...

Oh, and then I made this... I'm actually pretty excited about it.  :)  I normally download a cute ready-made desktop calendar that I can plop my pictures into, but I wasn't crazy about this month's.  So on a whim, I decided to try to make my own - and it actually was successful!  I love it.  :)  If you want it, just let me know and I'll send it to you (without my personal pics of course).


Alicia said...

Please tell me where you get these! I need one for my computer too!! NOW!! :)

Jenny said...

I made it MYSELF!!!!!!! :D I got the little "elements" from different places, but I put everything together. It was my first try and I LOVED it! I'll make a May one and you can have it if you like it. :)