Friday, August 7, 2009

The Gobi! Day 3

This post probably won't be as long, and definitely not as exciting! Instead of stopping halfway through the trip and staying the night, we drove straight home - we left at 10am and didn't get home until about 9pm!! It wasn't all driving... we stopped about 15 times for people to go to the bathroom (peeing out in the wide open desert with 5 other girls right next to me was a new experience... I'm cool with not doing it for a long, long time!). We also stopped for about an hour at Snake Mountain (the desert is surprisingly mountainous and non-desert looking in the area we went to - even lots of green because of all the rain they've had!). We climbed up (well, I went halfway, that was plenty high for me!) a rock formation and took pictures... it was pretty cool. Climbing back down (or scooting down on my butt) was not cool though, and I was glad I didn't go all the way up to the top! Might have taken me hours to get back down. :)

We also made a little pit stop and Bear and the boys wrestled - a popular pasttime in Mongolia! So popular, that another group that was driving past us turned around and came back to watch - one guy even asked if he could wrestle someone too! It was pretty funny. And when they win, they do this little dance that looks like a they are a bird floating around (their arms floating up and down like wings).

We would've gotten home an hour or two later, but traffic in UB was INSANE (as usual), and the place we went for dinner ("fast food" - ha!) took about 40 minutes. And THEN - there was a huge traffic jam, because some people decided to make a new lane of traffic... going the WRONG way - right through the middle of our flow of traffic!!! It was crazy - there are definitely no rules here, people just kind of do whatever they feel like!

That's about it - it was a pretty non-eventful day. Oh, except that we had a "Phantom Farter" on the ride home, and the entire van was stunk up on at least 10 or 15 occasions... it was horrrrrible!!! We were never so glad to be "home" in our lives!!

Okay, Mitch is here to pick us up - we're off for a day of sight-seeing, shopping, Mongolian BBQ, and a cultural show - I'm so excited!! :D


Alicia said...

You rock friend! I love reading your blog postings! Can't wait to see your pictures and hear your stories first hand! Love to Tim!

Rhiannon said...

so you think the traffic and random wrestling is not as exciting as the others?? i loved this post just as much as all the others. i'm so glad you've been able to keep us updated while you're there.

The Hurst Family said...

You finally get to have a semi-normal day? I loved the updates! When do you come back? Tell Tim he has to show us the wrestling dance when you get home.

hannah said...

A Phantom Farter? Oh, Jenny, I so love your updates. I wonder if we can get Tim to do an imitation of the mongolian victory dance :)

Hope your travels are going well. Just think, you'll get to sleep in your very own, bug free, bed tonight!