Monday, August 24, 2009

First day of school!

Well, the day finally arrived - back to school, goodbye summer vacation! I've been (surprisingly) not as excited as I used to be about school starting, but I started feeling it finally after a few classes - weird that it took so long this year! I think it was still a coming off of Mongolia high... wanting to maybe even be back there instead of here.

My kids seem great though - I feel like I was able to relate to them SO much better than I have with my kids in the past... maybe it's because my first year was with 6th (and they really are tiny still!) and then I moved up with those kids... so they (and maybe I also) felt like if there wasn't a great relationship there the first year, there wouldn't be again? I dunno... I just felt immediately connected to more of my kids this year - which feels promising! And the new room and the new setup (which is still lab tables, but with a front row and a back one, sorta shaped like crescent moons... if that makes any sense!) felt really great - very homey, but yet with a focus more on what's going on at the front of the class, rather than their friends... all. the. time. Which has been my issue the past two years.

What an exciting blog post huh?

I actually went and worked out after school - so that was a good start to the year also! I don't think I've worked out since just before our Mongolia trip - EEK!

Umm... what else...

OHHH!!! Saturday is my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I can't believe I haven't been counting down for everyone like I usually do. Guess I've been pretty busy... that is the ONLY reason. :) My bestest friend in the entire world is coming to visit on Thursday and staying all weekend - I can't wait! We're going to maybe check out a dollar movie, go wedding dress shopping (yay! - I'm the Matron of Honor... I'm proud, but man does that make me sound old and fat somehow!), and then (drum roll, please) - me and two of my favorites are having a SPA DAY ON SATURDAY!! An hour massage, 1/2 hour facial, manicure and pedicure (and the place is really nice) for only $130 each! How incredible is that?! Annnnd we're going to see The Time Traveler's Wife to top it off (I've heard it's not great, but I'm still really excited to see it anyway). What an awesome weekend. AND, Tim is going out of town for work for a day, and it's the day she gets here - so I won't be alone... perfect!

So I just realized that last paragraph has a TON!! (ha) of all caps & exclamation marks... can you tell I get a little jazzed up about my birthday? hehe.

Labor Day weekend I'm going home to see the fam - it's been way too long and I'm really excited to see them all. Plus, the birthday extravaganza continues at home, so what's not to love?!

Alright... well I'm off to make some chicken salad for lunch tomorrow. I'm going to try to be good this year. ...must avoid the mini blueberry muffins in the morning and m&m cookies in the afternoon (unlike today!)

1 comment:

Rhiannon said...

ah! i love birthdays! how have you not been counting down??

it sounds like you have a FABULOUS weekend in store! i'm completely jealous of your upcoming spa day!!

i don't think your blog post is boring at all. these are the kinds of things you talk about with a friend over lunch, the daily going-ons in your life. i think that's why i like my friends' blogs so much; i feel like i am still part of their lives even when i'm so far away.