Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Some Thoughts.

So I'm feeling rather blah tonight.  It's 8:43 and I'm thinking I'll just go to bed after this (sure to be very interesting and exciting) post.  I'm not really feeling blah as in "depressed"... just feeling like I want to do something and not being able to figure out what that might be.

Read a classic novel?  You know, one of those that everyone should read (or perhaps re-read) at some point in their lives?  To Kill a Mockingbird... The Catcher in the Rye... The Fountainhead... anything by Jane Austen... 1984... Hunger Games... Okay, so that last one is clearly far from the realm of classic, but seeing as I teach 7th graders, it is apparently a "must read," so it's allowed to be added to the list.

Do something artsy?  I bought these awesome watercolor pencils about a month ago and have yet to get them out and do anything with them.  In case you are unaware that these exist (which I wasn't until a random art project night at church about a year ago) - they are seemingly just like regular colored pencils, but when you wet your paintbrush and color over it, in blends beautifully - just like watercolor, but with the precision and control of a colored pencil (for those who are paintbrush impaired, such as myself).

Be productive?  Okay, I'm not even going to expound upon this one - I am so not in the mood for productivity tonight.  :)

Ummm... change the world?  stop eating meat - or at least eat much less, and demand only organic, non-antibiotic fed meat (I watched a pretty interesting segment about this on the CBS Evening News last night - you should check it out)?  live simply and stop worrying about all the stuff I want or "need" to buy?  pledge to buy local, fresh, and in-season whenever I can?  Avoid Facebook for awhile (because I think it is turning my brain to mush)?  read the newspaper? stop living an over-stimulated, under-compassionate, wasteful American life?  ugh. 

So I probably won't be doing anything from that last paragraph tonight, but just something that's been on my mind.  And something I'm not sure I know how to do.  Especially that last part. 

And in all that rambling (and obnoxious pontificating towards the end?), I've decided that it's 9:00 and I'm going to bed.  I've decided I really, I mean REALLY love my sleep.  I just don't seem to ever get enough of it.  Maybe tomorrow will be a surprise snow day (I really don't think this will happen... though Friday is a definite possibility) and I will get to sleep more, read a good book, do some watercolor drawings, and think a little more about how I can live an authentic life that mirrors my convictions - because right now, it's not even close.

Or, maybe I will just get up and go to work like I do everyday - to a "job" that I love.  Teach some sweet 7th graders about their lovely digestive system - and be grateful that I am at such an incredible school with such incredible people.

1 comment:

Rhiannon said...

Haha! I like to think that I inspired you in some little way ... unless you haven't read my blog and then how WEIRD that we're both going through a Jane Austen phase. Hahaha.

I can't wait for you to use the watercolor pencils and post your art. They sound very cool.

Hope you get unbored and unrestless!