Saturday, September 8, 2012

It's a GIRL!

Well that's pretty common knowledge by now, but I have to post about it anyway!  The Tuesday after we got back from our wonderfully relaxing San Diego trip, we had our 19 week ultrasound - got to see baby from head to toe, and the tech did all her measurements (I just had to ask what percentile she'd be in for height, since Tim and I are shorties, and she said 33%... hehe.  :)  Not surprising!), and then Baby Proffitt gave us the money shot - it was "as if the baby were sitting on a glass table and we're looking up" she said.  And then those words that I didn't realize how badly I actually wanted to hear - "It's a girl."  She said it really softly and sweetly, and my heart just melted.  Baby girl!!  I hadn't let myself "want" either sex, because I wanted to be 100% happy no matter what... but at that moment I realized that deep down, I had been secretly hoping for a girl.  

So as soon as we left, we looked at each other and said "It's Haven, isn't it?  That's her name."  We had mentioned it awhile back and were both really stuck on it (I've loved it for years, had a student by that name a few years back and just always thought it had a really sweet sound).  We tried not to get too attached to it in case we were having a boy... but as soon as we knew Baby Proffitt was a girl, Haven just had to be her name.  Then over lunch (we don't like to overthink some things I guess, lol) we decided on her middle name. So, without further ado, I present to you - Haven Alexandra Proffitt.  :)

I've also been playing around with ideas for her room, and I think I've decided on colors and a few other ideas.  I'm going with blue/gray walls, white furniture and trim, and pops of lime/apple green and a warm raspberry/pink color.  I'm a nerd and made a little idea board with the pictures I've been saving (not necessarily things I'm going to actually buy... although some of it, yes).  I'm in LOVE with how cute it is!!  I get to have my beloved pink and green, but I think I toned it down and de-babyfied it enough for Tim to be happy with it too.  :)  

We don't have a "theme" really, but we both like elephants, I like birdies/trees, and Tim likes guitars (though I don't have any on here, sorry Tim!)... so I think it'll just be a little combo of all those things that we like.  I'm going for more of a color scheme than a theme.  I'm anxious to see how well it'll really turn out... I'm a little hit or miss when it comes to translating from paper to reality with decorating.  Downstairs?  Love it.  Our bedroom?  Like, but not what I had in my head exactly, and it still seems lacking.  So we'll see!  

And finally, here are a few belly photos from the last few weeks since I haven't posted in awhile.  It's funny - at my 19 week appointment, my doctor commented on how the baby bump was still pretty small (but normal), but that I could "pop" just anytime now (or that it could even be way later), and swear by that weekend or early the next week I looked way more pregnant.  Funny how that happens.  :)  Still not into maternity clothes completely, but the belly band is getting uncomfortable, so I think I'm taking the plunge today and am going shopping for a few more pairs of actual maternity pants... I have a pair of jeans and capris, and they are GLORIOUS - I've decided once you go maternity, you really don't go back.  :)  

Don't mind my flat, wet hair... Tim was about to leave, it was my only chance!  :)

Need to remember to close the door... lol 

See?  Big difference from 19-20!  
Oh!  And last bit of exciting news (this is turning out to be really long - oops), I can feel her move all the time now!  Since about 18 weeks, but now more than ever.  So exciting and so fun - I just love it.  I know at some point it will probably get old (when I'm trying to sleep and she's getting much bigger and stronger!), but for now, I relish the moments every time.  And this week I noticed that I can actually SEE her move sometimes!  It was pretty amazing (and surprising - thought that wouldn't be for awhile yet).  Sad that Tim has been in DC all week and wasn't here, but he gets home tonight, and I can't WAIT.  :)  

OH!!  And my daily headaches I had for about 2 months straight?  Finally gone!!  Hallelujah!!  I was seriously about to lose my mind.  So I'm feeling pretty great now.  :)  And that is all, really.  I promise.  Off to enjoy my weekend with a little yoga and maternity clothes/craft shopping!  

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