Saturday, February 5, 2011


So, this post is really for me more than anything.  I'm not writing it for sympathy, just to make myself feel better.  Nothing tragic happened. 

HOWEVER.  The Project 365 stuff that I've been working on?  All the files are completely gone.  Vanished.  I don't know if it was from the virus, or if somehow I accidentally deleted the folder (looking back I realize that it was probably pretty stupid to plan to work on a project for an entire year without making a back-up of the folder... but being that it's barely February, I guess I just wasn't thinking about it like that yet).  I tried to restore the system back to January 30th, but of course it didn't do any good because it doesn't affect your files... just programs apparently.  I knew this, but I had to try. 

So now I feel like I'm at a crossroads.  I liked the idea of taking a picture every day (mostly), but I liked the idea of scrapping them even more... and having an easy template to work with that still allowed me to be creative. 

Do I start over?  I mean, it's only January.  It could have been much much worse than this (and way more devastating).  But I don't WANT to start over.  I feel like I would be bitter about it the whole time I was re-doing January (all the while getting behind on February).  I do have the pictures... but now I would have to rewrite all of the little journal strips and re-crop all the pictures.  Not to mention re-purchase the kit in the first place.

Do I start over but with a different template set?  Maybe an easier one?  I have one that I downloaded awhile back just to check out.  It only has 7 or 8 photos for the whole month and then a little section to journal.  Seems more just like my usual "year in review" scrapbooks though, and I had liked the idea of something different.

Do I let this stupid, irritating, sob-inducing, frustrating beyond belief incident ruin the idea?  I feel silly (like I'm making WAY too big of a deal out of this), but I am so so so frustrated!!!!!  I feel like I'm having a major internal struggle right now... and that if I completely abandon the project, the "incident" wins.  I want to give it up and not think about this freaking project ever again... and at the same time I almost feel like that's being weak... giving up.  When I could easily re-group and start again. 

Again, really not looking for advice or sympathy, just wanted to vent for myself.

It's 8:30... I'm going to take a very long, hot shower and go to bed.  I think that getting lots of sleep and going to church in the morning is probably the best thing for me right now.  I think that will bring things back into focus, and I will realize that in the grand scheme of things, getting this upset (angry really) about something so trivial is really quite silly.  Really looking forward to church tomorrow even more than I already was... I need some perspective.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I'd feel the same way! I would have to physically get up from the computer desk, walk away and do something else to occupy my mind I'd be so upset. I don't think you should beat yourself up about being behind. As you said, it's only February! You can catch back up later. Keep those January pictures safe and start from today! Pretty soon, you'll be back where you were.