Saturday, February 5, 2011

Project 365... Take Two!

Okay, so that last post where I said I was going to take a long, hot shower and go to bed??  (At this point, if you have not read the previous post, you really should before you continue with this one so it will make sense!)  So anyway, while in the shower (during which I ran us completely out of hot water!), I decided that I couldn't just give up.  I also decided that maybe this was for the best... maybe the other project was going to be a tad too ambitious, and maybe I should scale back a little.  Maybe that's what I'm telling myself to get over the disappointment of having to involuntarily give up on that particular project so early on? 

Either way, I am in a MUCH better mood now than I was a few hours ago.  And I now present to you, the new (and improved?) Project 365.  :)

YAY!  I feel like I can go to bed now and forget about the whole mess.  I really like the way these turned out, and I was able to still use quite a few of the pictures I took throughout January.  And really, I think it allowed me to narrow it down to just the main events that I wanted to remember.  

Good grief, and good night!!


Kate said...

Yay! Looks (you know you want to hear it) FANTASTIC!!!! Jenny, you are awesome.

The Hurst Family said...

OMG I would be SO MAD if that happened to me too!!!!! I'm proud of you for re-creating everything, I like the new pages! Now, make a backup file...right now.

Jenny said...

Thanks Kate :)

And Andrea - can you believe that I forgot to make a back up until I saw your comment yesterday?! I know, I know... I'm an idiot. It IS backed up now though!

Alicia said...

Great recovery! These pages are wonderful! And spending time focusing on the really important events (I'm thrilled girls night got a WHOLE page even though we all look so completely tired! HUZZAH!!) will make those wonderful events really get the attention they deserve. Yay Jenny!