Saturday, February 12, 2011


Well friends, since I have been ordered to stay on the couch all day and rest, I might as well update the ol' blog while I'm here! 

I very suddenly got sick the end of this week - I was at the basketball game Thursday night and started getting a sore throat.  I figured it was just because we did notes that day, and I talked a LOT... but no.  Woke up the next morning and it was a little worse, and now this morning it's moved into my sinuses.  BOO.  At least our school nurse convinced me to go to a walk-in clinic after school yesterday, so I've already got my antibiotic.  I loathe being sick, and would rather do anything to avoid just "letting it run its course."  I know that sometimes that's all you can do, but I'm hoping this antibiotic kicks it pretty quick.  And of course Tim has been very sweet and helpful, and Lucy has been especially cuddly... I love my family.  :)

Tim's "gift" to me so that being sick could be more bearable, is that I get to watch the rest of season 2 of Dexter without him while he works on things today!!  I.  love.  Dexter.  I really didn't think I would get into it... thought it would be too dark (you know, with the whole sociopath serial killer thing he's got going on).  But we LOVE it!  I guess I shouldn't be surprised... I wasn't sure that I'd like Weeds either and we're addicted to that one too.  So that's my plan for today... lay around and veg and watch dear Dexter. 

I guess that's it, since nothing else is really note-worthy.

...not that being sick and watching Dexter are exactly note-worthy... 


1 comment:

Alicia said...

I'm liking the frequent blog posts friend...but not so much that you're sickly! Ewww! Get to feeling better!