Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Harry Potter and such...

Okay, well I guess I should finally update on our big Harry Potter weekend!! I wish I had pictures to post, but I was lame and didn't take any. I'm really bad about that...

SO - Tim, Alicia, and I went up to Moore and met Andrea at the Warren Theater to watch HP. I know, I know... why would we go all the way to Oklahoma to see a movie?! (we got that a LOT) Well, my very best friend invited us up so we could watch it together, AND she got us balcony seats... let me just explain how amazing this place was: The most giant (regular) movie screen you've ever seen - so big in fact, that it was perfectly eye-level up in the balcony! We had plush, leather, HEATED seats - it was absolutely fantastic. With my seat cranked up on high, my jacket, Tim's jacket over my legs, and my socks I brought... I was finally not cold at a movie theather!! :) Not to mention a full dinner and drink menu (which is much better than Studio Movie Grill).

Heated seats + wine + Harry = a very happy Jenny

The movie itself was really great too. I hadn't read the book in so long, that I'd pretty much forgotten everything that happened - so it was like going through the story for the first time again! I can't believe how old all of the actors are getting... it's just crazy! Check it out...

I think it's so funny to look at the pictures from the first movie and compare them to the new one... it's crazy that they were 11 or so when the franchise started!

As for this week... I've been super lazy. Having a hard time snapping out of it. I'm going to try to Photoshop some more of our wedding photos so I can finally get them ordered (and someday scrapped - I'm doing traditional scrapbooking for our wedding pictures... have all the stuff bought, but the pictures aren't ready!)... might attempt to do some school work... attempt being the key word here.

Oh, and the countdown for Mongolia is 10 days! I can't believe it!!

PS - if you're a SYTYCD fan, be sure to watch tonight - ELLEN is the guest judge this week! How fun is that??


The Hurst Family said...

Awww, I love the compare and contrast photos. They were so cute when they were little!!! I want to rent all of the movies and watch them again, all in one weekend. I had a blast last Friday, I built it up in my head so much that I was scared but it was so not a letdown at all!! HolyHannah, you leave for Mongolia in 10 days??? Will you bring me back a souvenir? What do they have there...all I can think of is Moulan (the Disney movie where they were evil and huge!) Hahahaa.

Jenny said...

Ok, so I'm decided to comment after your comment... instead of on your blog - I think we should do it facebook style :) So be sure to always click "email follow-up comments"

I will definitely get you a souvenir! I have no idea what they have other than cashmere (their main export, so you can get it cheap there)... I love you a lot, but you probably won't be getting cashmere ;)

Jenny said...

*I've, not "I'm" - I hate typos!!

Rhiannon said...

I love the compare/contract photos, too! I wish I would have thought of it. I love, love, love those movies.

Rhiannon said...

andy, i was going to say that my sister, shannon, and i rented the harry potter movies and watched them all one evening before the fourth or fifth movie opened in theaters. it was a lot of fun. there are so many movies now, one would have to set aside an entire saturday i think, but it would still be a lot of fun. we should plan it before the next one is released.

The Hurst Family said...

Cashmere?? Really?? I don't know what I would wear that's cashmere, maybe I'll send you along with some money for a scarf, heh heh! And yes! Rhiannon that sounds like a great idea. I don't know if I can hold out until the next movie though, it's like a year and a half away....

Jenny said...

i thought about getting a scarf too! i actually thought about getting some for christmas presents... we shall see ;) and yes, we should all do a harry potter movie marathon!

oh, and glad you liked the photos... i was proud of myself, i found them, put them together, made them all the same size... i'm a huge nerd, glad it's appreciated :) haha

Unknown said...

You ARE a nerd...that's why i love you. However, you bailed on me with Zelda, so your nerd-dom still has much room for improvement. The new Zelda comes out in a few months, and you will be expected to up your nerd game if you want that precious street cred.