Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Kinda Obsessed...

I am loving digital scrapbooking!! I can't do a lot of really cool techniques yet, and compared to some that I've seen, mine are a little boring (or just maybe not as artistic?). However! For just getting into it, I'm liking what I've got so far. Here are a few more of my "masterpieces" - ha! :)

So, there we are! Thank goodness my headache didn't come back today (not to speak of anyway), or there is no way I would've been able to make these pages. Seriously, I think it got even worse after I got off here... maybe the worst headache I've ever had. Terrible.

Tomorrow I'm probably going to do some more... work out again (2x this week, tomorrow will be 3!)... piddle around the house. Then I'm going down to Dallas to meet up with Alexis to hang out... we've kind of designated Wednesdays as our hang out night, since it's hard to find time for it unless we set it aside. I think we might go see a movie... go to Opening Bell (really cool coffee shop!)... and attempt to stay OUT of any and all clothing stores. Wish us luck. :)


Kate said...

I can do it! YAY!
PS: You're awesome.

Rhiannon said...

look at you! you are doing soooo much better than i am on the work out front. way to go! keep it up!