Thursday, July 23, 2009

Takin' Care of Business

Well, my plan this summer was to work on re-vamping the 7th grade science curriculum. I was really excited about it, because it's actually a huge passion of mine - to teach science the way it should be taught... by not really "teaching" it, but having the kids do science. I had all these lofty ambitions and ideas and plans annnnd... I haven't gotten a lot accomplished. How very "Jenny" of me. That's not to say I haven't gotten anything done. I mean, it's definitely a huge process. Plus, the way I work on huge projects like that is to work, work, work (usually really late at night) for several days... then take a few weeks off. :)

SO! After a 2 or 3 week hiatus, I am BACK! I have been working like a fiend all day, it's 10:30 and I have no intention of going to bed anytime soon. I am getting so much accomplished, and I'm getting so excited about everything! Yay!!

So here is the intro slide to a PowerPoint I finished today... helping the kids get their notebooks set up!

I have been going through little spurts of obsession with my summer projects... first it was digital scrapbooking (not that that's over, but I'm taking a little break), then it was Photoshopping my wedding photos to look more dreamy and glamorous, and now it's back to what I should've been doing all along! Oh, and not to mention I read a pretty good sized book in a day - Firefly Lane (another fabulous Andrea recommendation), you should all check it out, it's great!!

Ok, so I had to take a break from working to gush about my work... but now I'm going to get back at it.

Mongolia countdown: 8 days - ohmygosh!!!


Nancy Garvey said...

I am proud that you have begun !! Let me know if I can help in anyway !!

The Hurst Family said...

Haha, I can just picture you up at 2am obsessively pouring over your school stuff! Are you going to post the photoshopped pictures somewhere so I can see?

Jenny said...

I actually might need your help... there's this Powerpoint that I want to turn into a Photo Story with cool music. I could probably figure it out, but it'd be easier and better if you helped I'm sure! :)

And I hadn't thought about posting the pictures... I guess I could though! PS - I was lame and crashed at 12:30, haha